Get Involved
Wanting to help?
Come help at Cortland Bible Camp:
There are always a variety of needs at camp. Contact us by phone at 607-863-4225 or by email at to discuss how you can serve at camp.
Sponsor a Camper:
Send a child to summer camp! Follow the directions below to donate to the general campership fund or contact the director to be connected with particular campers in need of funds.
Purchase Items From Our Wishlist:
Check out our Amazon wishlist to see a list of some of our current needs.
Send Money Online:
Visit our donation page, enter an amount, and designate the funds as being for the camp general fund, the campership fund, capitol improvements, supporting summer staff or the Missionaries’ support.
Send Money by Mail:
Write a check payable to BCM International. Important: include a separate note that designates your donation as being for the camp general fund, the campership fund, or the Rhodas and O’Gorman’s support. Mail to: BCM International, 201 Granite Run Dr. Suite 260, Lancaster, PA 17601.

Join Our Staff
Be a part of an exciting team this summer, serving God with a devoted group of your peers. Form lasting bonds both with your campers and your co-laborers as you make a difference for God’skingdom. Some positions are paid, but all give the opportunity to raise money through BCM for the time you spend serving while at camp. Every year we need counselors, nurses, kitchen help, maintenance people and more…
If you are 14-16 years old and looking for a way to serve this summer while having fun, look into our Be a Teen Leader (BaTL) program. It’s a great way to spend the summer, serving God and growing both personally and spiritually.
PDF Download – Staff Application